Although it can be hard to maintain your self-storage clean at all times there are some tips that can help. If you have a problem, self storage facilities can usually be reached quickly.
You should visit your storage area from time to time to inspect your items and make sure everything is in its right place. You can reap the benefits of keeping your storage space clean, even if you don’t use it often.
Why It Is So Important To Clean Your Unit
To ensure your belongings are in good condition, storage units must be cleaned and organized regularly. If you don’t take care of your storage, dust and termites can build up.
Imagine opening up your storage unit and inhaling the dust from inside. This will cause you more problems than cleaning your storage unit and making sure it is clean. These are some helpful tips to keep your self-storage unit clean.
Use Plastic Containers
Plastic containers are a better option than boxes for keeping your items safe and tidy. Plastic containers are a safe and secure storage solution for your belongings. Plastic containers are easy to clean and won’t easily tear if you have too many things inside. Plastic containers are less prone to termites, so you can protect your books and other paper-made items inside.
These are the three things you need to do before you store things in a plastic container.
To avoid mold and mildew buildup, make sure the seal is completely dry. To remove any moisture, wipe it with a microfiber cloth.
Make sure the container is large enough to hold all your items. Plastic containers are stronger than paper boxes. It can still be damaged if it is filled with heavy items. You can avoid any damage by separating your lighter items from your heavier ones before placing them in your plastic container.
Do Not Store Foods
Although it is nearly impossible to store food in your storage unit, you should not do so. It is easy to make mistakes when packing, especially if you are in a hurry. You might accidentally place foods or other items in your storage. Foods can attract pests such as ants and rats that could cause damage to other items in the storage. You should double-check all your items and ensure that no food is in the storage.
Clear Before Storing
It is important to be proactive when it comes to maintaining a clean self-storage unit. Give your items a thorough cleaning before you put them in the storage unit. This will help prevent dust buildup while your items are in storage.
To prevent dust from sticking to your belongings, use products specifically made. These are some of the items you can use:
- Baby wipes
- fabric softening liquid
- Fabric softener sheets
- Gloves
- oven mitts
- Paintbrushes
- Pantyhose
- vacuum
- Squirt bottles
Large Items
You may not be able to fit certain items in plastic containers. To prevent dirt from building up in your self-storage space, large items such as furniture must be covered. These items can be covered with cloth tarpaulins. These cloth tarps prevent dust from spreading. Cover all large furniture with a cloth tarp and dust will settle in one place, making it easier to clean.
Although some people use plastic tarpaulins, they can become brittle and are not recommended to be used as a covering for wooden furniture. If you don’t plan on using them again, you can reuse old blankets. Instead of putting it in storage, you can make use of it to clean out your storage.
Keep on Schedule
Most self-storage facilities recommend that units are cleaned, dusted, and rotated at a minimum once or twice per year. The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you plan to do it. This arrangement is possible, but it’s not ideal for keeping your storage unit clean.
Although you may have taken precautionary steps to prevent dust buildup and kept your unit clean, this does not guarantee that it will be free from damage. To ensure your items are safe, you must keep them clean.
You will need to clean your storage unit more often than once per year. You can schedule a visit to your storage unit every quarter, or whatever schedule works best for you. These supplies are essential for cleaning your self-storage unit.
- Pre-moistened wipes
- trash bags
- Broom and dustpan
- Paper towels
- Multi-purpose cleaner
- Microfiber cloth
You can take a vacuum cleaner with you if you have carpets in your storage unit. Before you leave the house, make sure to double-check your cleaning supplies. This will ensure that you don’t have to purchase new or return products.