Corporate failures are increasing at alarming rates and bad debt is an ever-growing problem. Trade Credit Insurance covers bad debts and allows businesses to recover up to 90% of monies owed. This gives them confidence and peace of mind.
Trade credit insurance Australia is a valuable tool for your business. Our Trade Credit team can help you. Here are the key benefits of Trade Credit Insurance.
These 6 ways Trade Credit Insurance can benefit your business
Protect your cash flow: Your policy will cover you for default payments, so there is minimal disruption to your cash flow.
Confidence: Helps businesses diversify and grow beyond traditional markets.
Access to finance is easier: If you need finance to improve your working capital position, you can assign the policy your financier to ensure that their investment is secure. This can lead to higher funding levels.
Trade Credit Insurance increases revenue by removing default risk from sales invoices This insurance allows you to extend credit terms to customers, which can help increase your revenue and profit.
Get credit information before your company is exposed to excessive risk.
Reducing bad debt reserves: Free up cash reserves to pay off bad debt. Credit
Export trade credit insurance is a benefit that far outweighs the drawbacks.
It could even be said that trade credit insurance policies have the single disadvantage of being expensive. The cost of trade credit insurance policies is usually around $3,500. However, this quickly becomes irrelevant if a key customer defaults on their payments.
Export trade credit insurance is a benefit that far outweighs the drawbacks.
It could even be said that trade credit insurance policies have the single disadvantage of being expensive. The cost of trade credit insurance policies is usually around $3,500. However, once a key customer defaults on their payments, the premium quickly becomes irrelevant.
Trade credit insurance policies have many advantages
Security of cash flow
Selling credit is a risky business. If you don’t demand payment upfront, your customer may not pay you for the services or goods you offer. Trade credit insurance protects you from non-payment and helps to secure your cash flow. This could be due to cash flow problems experienced by your customer or certain
Political events. You’ll also benefit from our industry knowledge, and have access to the most current information like payment behavior in different sectors and geographies.
Better access to finance
A trade export credit policy insurance policy can help you get finance. Many banks and lending institutions prefer businesses with a stable cash flow. A trade credit policy can help you establish strong relationships between your bank or lender and your business.
Minimize bad debt
Insuring your receivables is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of bad credit. Trade credit insurance protects you against the negative consequences of customers defaulting on payments and also protects you from the possible domino effect that could occur if a company goes under.
Better customer relations
You have the chance to get to know your customer and build mutually beneficial relationships by assessing their creditworthiness. You may need to adjust your credit terms in order to ensure that both businesses have liquidity.
Confidence to Explore New Markets
Export credit insurance provides more than just a protection against unpaid invoices. It can also be a tool to enable trade and help you business grows. Market knowledge can be used to test new products or explore new geographies, while limiting your risk exposure. Credit insurance is not a risk transfer. However, underwriters can’t insure any trade they consider to be too risky. Any refused credit limits will help you find the best areas to invest in trade and business growth.