Zinc borate, a non-halogen flame retardant, is environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and has low water solubility. It also has high thermal stability, small particle sizes, small specific gravity, good dispensability, and low toxic effects. It is used extensively in rubber and plastics as a flame retardant. Coatings and other areas. There are over a dozen types of FB flame retardants, depending on their different composition (XZnO.YB2O3.ZH2O). This product is 3.5 water zinc borate, also known by ZB-2335 flame-retardant.
Zinc borate is an excellent choice:
- It can be used to enhance the flame retardant performance and reduce smoke generation during combustion.
- It is used as a substitute for halogen-containing flame suppressants and can be used in the production of plastics and rubber such as PE, PE, reinforced polyamide, reinforced polyamide and natural rubber, styrene rubber, chloroprene rubber and styrene BUTADNIE rubber.
- It is used to make paper, fiber fabric and decorative boards, as well as wallpaper, carpet, ceramic glaze, and other coatings that improve flame retardant performance.
- It can also be used to treat wood pests, anti-corrosion and far-infrared absorption.
Zinc borate can be used as a multifunctional additive for antimony oxide and other halogen flammables. This can improve flame retardant performance and reduce smoke generation. It can also adjust the chemical, mechanical and electrical properties of rubber products.
It is used as a substitute for halogen-containing flame suppressants and can be used in some or all of the following: PVC, PE and PP, reinforced polyamide polyamide polyamide polychloride polystyrene, epoxy, polyester resin, Polyester acid vinyl resin and natural Rubber, styrenebutadiene rubber, chloroprenerubber, etc.
It can be used to produce paper, fiber fabrics and decorative boards, as well as wallpaper, carpets, ceramic glazes and fungicides.
It can also be used for anti-corrosion and far-infrared Absorption, wood pest control, and anti-bacterial treatment.
ZSinc borates have been used in commercial applications. They were widely used in fire retardants in paints, flooring, floor coverings and fire resistant fabrics. These applications are still important and have grown in scope. Recent developments include the use of preservatives in bio-composites, anticorrosives in coatings and fluxes within ceramics as well as ingredients in agricultural micronutrients.
Polymer additives
Zinc borates are polymer additives that act as flame retardants and smoke and afterglow suppressants. They also work as anti-drip, anti-arcing and anti-drip agents. They can also improve thermal stability.
Preservative for Bio-Composites
These products include oriented strand boards (OSB), laminated-strand lumber, oriented structure straw board, particle board and engineered bamboo scriber. Bio-composites are becoming more popular, particularly wood composites.
Zinc borate ZnO3B2O33H2O can be used as an in-can preservative and a corrosion inhibitor in aqueous or non-aqueous coatings. It can also be used in certain fire retardant or in tumescent coatings.
Ceramics and Ceramic Glazes
Zinc Borates are used in ceramic bodies as fluxes and in ceramic glazes as ingredients.
For plants to function properly, they need adequate amounts of zinc and boron. Global agriculture is facing the greatest micronutrient shortages, with suboptimal soil levels of these two elements.
The industrial applications of zinc Borates are constantly evolving. There are still many questions about the chemistry of zinc borates despite their growing industrial use. There are conflicting data in literature about conditions that distinct crystal phases can form. Some well-documented phases still require structural elucidation, such as those with approximate compositions of 6ZnO5B2O33H2O33H2O and ZnO5B2O34.5H2O and 3ZnO3B2O35H2O. This could be due to the high susceptibility to seeding of many zinc borates.